Sunday, April 17, 2005

almost midnight

this is basically why internet was invented. porn. in fact pretty much every invention in the last decade or even more eventually found it's true course- porn. from cellular phones to vcr players. i'm pretty sure Edison was playing with himself at seven pm, then it got dark and he thought : "man i hate masturbating to candle light!"
so here i am and so are so many other people trying to find the classiest porn out there. we've had dirty porn before. we're not fourteen. no, we want something with sound and that would appear real. since in phone sex the woman on the other side is probably dealing with her nail fungi while she gives out sounds of extreme pleasure ( which i am sure of. they go: "mmm. yeah. mmm." then you say something like : "can you stick a pumpernickle bread up my assphinter?" -"mmmm. yeah." - "hello? did you hear me?" - "yeah. mmmm." - "pumpenickle bread up my ass, ok?" nothing. just clipping away her fungi). so we turn to real women. internet forums and chat rooms. hoping that that mysterious woman on the line is not a 57 year old fat man named Bubba.
but it's not strictly porn. actually it's much less or much more. we search for some sort of retrubiotion,some sort of love. we want our comments to be read, laughed and respected. we write because at midnight when you're alone in your house you want someone to give you a clapping smilie. to show you they care.
or maybe it's just me. maybe everyone else are as secure as Hugh Grant is on kiss the bucktoothed englishman day. maybe people write jokes like : "you want pepperoni on your pizza? well i have some sexy salami!" cause they just want to make conversation.
and perhaps i shouldn't write blogs lonely at midnight.perhaps i'm just jealous because being a vegeterian i can only say : "hey i have some soy and tofu for you right here". and that's just not the same.


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