Wednesday, July 06, 2005

random thoughts on my deprived youth

incidents in the life of yozi

it so happens that lately i've been talking a lot to my roommate (ari. yes he's a geek too. the geek that actually started this geek off) about our fucked up families. now i don't want to go too much into details but it's a close battle which relies on who has more schizophrenic uncles or manic depressive mother/father/ 27 year old puppy. it is important for me to say that in case my family reads this- i love you guys, but you have to admit that there's something wrong with us ( something that my mom never understands- "you should be thankful about your mom, now be quiet or i'll stab you with this spoon"). But the deal is, apparently everyone wants in on this game. Apparently there are only about five people who think they have a functioning family. and those that think it usually work at the dmv, just itching to use that new Indian bow and arrow they bought on their latest trip to turkey- where the towels are free don't you know.
and it's great that we know it. Because when we'll be horrible parents the least we can do is apologize to our children every now and then. and indeed we should all look into our selves and say " i am fucked and i know it. my parents did shit. now what do i do with it?" well you can go to therapy and pinpoint every occasion you got fucked and how it matters today ( "oh, so that's why ican't ride tricycles. the hole in the jammies incident. i remember that...") and that would be great. we should do that. as for me, seeing how i can only afford therapy done by the local well dressed hobo or the guy who sells watermelons ( two for ten nis. you should see children running to him. he's the new icecream man. watermelons instead of ice cream. now here's a trauma just waiting to evolve), i decide to laugh at it. hopefully to laugh somewhere around people. or to divert it into my job. nothing better than a crying social worker. but if you want to clean yourself- laugh it out. then cry. then do a stand up on it. don't be the guy/girl in the office everyone thinks is funny yet cries cries in the lonely night (much like britney spears' lucky. and while your at it, say something nasty about the government. they suck too.


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